Discover how science and technology come to life with DigiLabs. Our web applications enable HSLU students and industry partners to explore complex physical phenomena in an understandable and interactive way. The applications presented here are the result of various projects by the research group “System Modeling and Digital Twins”.

DigiLab by


Virtual representations of laboratory test benches based on physical system models

P-8 Digital Teaching – Digital Presence – Digital Studies

The collaborative swissuniversities-project “P-8 Strengthening Digital Skills in Teaching” involves HSLU, PHLU, and PHSZ. In the subproject “DigiLab” by HSLU – Department of Engineering & Architecture three laboratory applications from various disciplines (building, electrical & mechanical engineering) were developed as digital models. These virtual labs were elaborated from a didactic perspective, integrated into the ILIAS learning platform, and used in teaching. The web applications are developed with an in-house toolchain that allows users to simulate dynamic system models based on Modelica™ directly in their browser.


The “GEELive” at the Campus-Horw resembles a detached house in terms of its technical equipment. It is used for research and teaching and enables the investigation of all electrotechnical aspects of building technology, such as household appliances, photovoltaics or energy storage. Unlike the real GEELive, this DigiLab allows students to work independently or modify building locations.  Brief simulation times make it possible to investigate various scenarios and gain experience in building optimization.


The Institute of Electrical Engineering has several “levitator test rigs” for training purposes in linear control engineering. This test arrangement uses a transparent plastic tube and a controlled air blower to keep a table tennis ball in suspension. The students are assigned to analyze the test rig and independently develop a robust PID controller configuration. This DigiLab allows students to prepare for and follow up on laboratory lessons individually and efficiently.

Pump Test Rig

The “pump test rig” at the Campus-Horw was developed on behalf of EnergieSchweiz and is used for educational purposes. The test rig allows the investigation of various pumps in combination with different flow system. As part of basic training, the test rig can be utilized to measure pump or system characteristics, investigate various control methods or analyze pump configurations. In contrast to the real test setup, students can use this DigiLab to learn independently, regardless of time and place.

EFPLab Fluid

Since the pandemic, digital laboratories have become an integral part of laboratory education in the HSLUs bachelor program. The DigiLabs serve as a supplement to real test benches to facilitate independent learning. The DigiLabs of the first semester course “Energies, Fluids & Processes Laboratory – Fluiddynamics” at the Institute of Mechanical and Energy Engineering are presented below. These web applications are based on simplified physical models implemented directly in JavaScript.

Pedal Pump

Topics: Extended Bernoulli equation, energy grade line diagram and definition of energy losses

Pelton Turbine

Topics: Linear momentum equation in fluid dynamics, control volume selection, function and operation of a Pelton turbine

Borda Carnot Expansion

Topics: Borda-Carnot expansion, loss determination using the linear momentum equation, diffusers and their applications

Flow Rate Measurement

Topics: Mass conservation law, flow rate measuring devices and flow characterization

Potential Vortex

Topics: Pressure and velocity distribution in potential flows, and how modeling assumptions lead to discrepancies between mesurements and calculations

Venturi Channel

Topics: Bernoulli equation without losses, U-Tube manometers and static & dynamic pressure

Pipe Hydraulic

Topics: Definition and calculation of energy losses in pipes, comprehension of the Moody diagram, and the influence of pipe geometry, fluid properties, and flow characteristics on losses.

EFPLab Thermo

Since the pandemic, digital laboratories have become an integral part of laboratory education in the HSLUs bachelor program. The DigiLabs serve as a supplement to real test benches to facilitate independent learning. The DigiLabs of the second semester course “Energies, Fluids & Processes Laboratory – Thermodynamics” at the Institute of Mechanical and Energy Engineering are presented below. These web applications are based on simplified physical models implemented directly in JavaScript.

Energy Balance

Topics: 1st law of thermodynamics, identification and characterization of energy systems and system boundary selection

Ideal Gas Law

Topics: Relationship between pressure, temperature and volume for an ideal gas (ideal gas law) pressure-volume diagrams, isothermal and isochoric processes

Heat Exchanger

Topics: Conservation equations, design calculations, operation and flow-related influences of heat exchangers

Piston Compressor

Topics: 1st law of thermodynamics for closed systems, isothermal, isentropic, isobaric and isochoric processes

Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Topics: Functional principle, operating characteristics, efficiency and energy balance of fuel cell systems

Radial Compressor

Topics: 1st law of thermodynamics for open systems, design, function, and operating characteristics of a radial compressor, isentropic and polytropic processes


Our first DigiLab web app was realized as part of an internal teaching development project. We used the Bodylight.js tool to run our Modelica system model directly in a web browser. Bodylight.js is a toolchain developed by the Charles University spin-off company Creative Connections.
We thank the Creative Connections team for their cooperation and support.

Tank Control System

This DigiLab was used in the course “Control Systems.” Using the digital test bench, students were asked to design a PID controller for a tank system. The guided learning sequence was implemented on the ILIAS learning platform.