EFPLAB2: Lab Experiment Fuel Cell

Hydrogen mass flow rate: mg/s

Fuel Cell animation

FC animation properties:

The animation illustrates a detailed view of a single cell from a fuel cell stack schematically. The electrolyte of a Polymer-Electrolyte-Membrane (PEM) fuel cell consists of a polymer membrane that isolates the anode and cathode electrically. This means the membrane is permeable for protons but impermeable for electrons. Hydrogen is fed at the anodic side and oxygen is added at the cathode. With the aid of a platinum catalyst, hydrogen is oxidised resulting in the electrons being separated. The potential difference between the electrodes generates direct current.

Depending on the load point, the (stoichiometric) process of the fuel cell reaction is animated in the cell. The present values of current and voltage are displayed next to the fuel cell stack. In addition, the "consumed" electrical power at the load (light bulb) and the resulting heat flow of the fuel cell stack are shown schematically.

Formula with numeric values:
Power FC stack
P S t a c k
U S t a c k I S t a c k
5   V 4   A
20   W
Internal power consumption FC
P I n t e r n a l
P S t a c k P S y s t e m
20   W 15   W
20   W
Input of chemically stored power
H ˙ H 2
m ˙ H 2 , i n H H 2
1.56 10 -6   k g s 400000   k J k g
20   W
FC stack efficiency
η S t a c k
P S t a c k H ˙ H 2
5   W 6   W
60   %
FC system efficiency
η S y s t e m
P S y s t e m H ˙ H 2
5   W 6   W
60   %