Bei Bedarf Zusatzinformationen Einblenden.
A maximum of 5 piston compressor processes are shown in the p, V - diagram. The further recording of piston compressor processes leads to a step-by-step replacement of the already shown processes in the order of creation.
The diagram can be zoomed in by dragging a zoom window with the left mouse button over the preferred area.
With the sliders you can vary the initial conditions of the measurement. Below the sliders, the change of state of compression and expansion of the cycle can be selected. You can set the state change to isothermal, isentropic or polytropic. The input parameters have no influence on a running measurement, but the initial values of the following measurement can be picked.
Pressure on the outlet side pOut = bar(a)
Pressure on the suction side pIn = bar(a)
Polytropic Exponent n = [1 < n ≤ κ]
The table shows the step by step of the total work and the volumetric efficiency for the present measurement. Thus, taking into account the selected input parameters. The results are hidden as soon as the input parameters are changed after the measurement is finished.
Isentropic coefficient κ = 1.4 (material property of air)
Polytropic coefficient n = 1.17 (measured at the laboratory test rig)